
director: Alexander Schellow
26 minutes | France, germany
After decades of dictatorship, Albania is at a turning point in its history. Yet, in the collective imagination, “Albania does not exist”. Facing this lack of images, Alexander Schellow uses his technique of memory reconstruction through drawing, and explores various approaches: live action shooting, interviews, satellite images, voice over… And calls into question the criteria a civil society is grounded on, just when it is coming into existence.
Production: Films de Force Majeure, index.film
Release: 2013
TV broadcast: Arte – Friday 22 November 2013
Arte – Sunday 24 November 2013
CNC, BKM (German Ministry of Culture), Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, ZDF/Arte (broadcasted on 22.11.2013)
In coproduction with Le Fresnoy
In cooperation with Catalogue du sensible, T.I.C.A.B. Tirana International Contemporary Art Biennial (2009), Zukunftskolleg (University of Konstanz)
Distribution supported by CNC and Conseil Général des Bouches-du Rhône
Project selected at FIDLab 2012, Exposition Visions Fugitives 2012
Written & Directed by Alexander Schellow
Collaboration script & director assistant Marie Urban
Director of Photography Alexander Boboschewski
Dramaturgic consultant editing Rike Anders
Sound designer Jean-Michel Tresallet
Original music Jean-Marc Montera
Editing Manuel Stettner
Production director Regina Breitfellner
Post-production director Jérôme Nunes
Producers Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Alexander Schellow, Marie Urban
TEchnical sheet
Format 16/9
Sound 5.1, stéréo
Length 26 minutes
Languages VF, VEN, VDE
Colour and Black & White
Visa number 133.549

Filmer à Tout Prix (Belgium)

Doc’ Ouest – 14° Rencontres Professionnelles (France)
Festival Territoires en Images (France)
KOMM’N’ACT Festival Parallèle (France)

Kasseler Dokfest (Germany)
Festival Image de Ville (France)
Festival International du Court-Métrage d’Uppsala – Docurama (Sweden)
Festival International du Film de Tirana (Albania)