
In the Open
About roughly 130 men are imprisoned in the Detention Center of Casabianda, Corsica. Most of them were convicted of child abuse. The inmates spend their last few years of imprisonment working the fields of this wide agricultural domain.
I met these men in this so called “open” prison. Some of them decided to break the fourth wall: in this fenceless prison, the director also can’t hide.
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Production: Triptyque Films, Films de Force Majeure
French distributors: Norte Distribution
Release: 2017
CNC – Avance sur recettes avant réalisation, CNAP «Image/Mouvement», Résidence d’Écriture «Maison Bleue» de Contis – CG des Landes, Secours Catholique – Section Prison, Association Nationale des Visiteurs de Prison, Collectivité Territoriale de Corse, AFC Umani – Fondation de Corse, Union Territoriale Corse CMCAS-CCAS, Centre Culturel Anima, Association PREFACE /Fédération Léo Lagrange, Philippe Zoummeroff, Périphérie «Cinéastes en Résidence», ARTAAS, Festival Entrevues Belfort – Films en cours, Fondation Un Monde Par Tous du Service Justice et Aumônerie de Prison de la Fédération Protestante de France
In partnership with
services pénitentiaires du Ministère de la justice (centre de détention de Casabianda, service pénitentiaire d’insertion et probation de Haute Corse, direction interrégionale de Marseille et direction de l’administration pénitentiaire)
This film has been selected for post-production support [Films en cours] at the 2016 Belfort International Film Festival Interviews.
Writer and director Guillaume Massart
Writing and location scouting Adrien Mitterrand & Guillaume Massart
Assistant director Simon Kansara
Sound engineer Pierre Bompy
Chief editor Alexandra Mélot
Sound editor Julie Roué
Mixer Niels Barletta
Colorist Lucie Bruneteau
Producers Mehdi Benallal, Thomas Jenkoe, Guillaume Massart, Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Jérôme Nunes
Technical sheet
Format 16/9
Sound 5.1, stéréo
Length 146 minutes

IDFA International Documentary FilmFestival Amsterdam – Dead Angle : Borders (Netherlands)

Rencontres du cinéma documentaire Périphérie – Public Award (France)
IDFA International Documentary Filmfestival Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Indie Lisboa (Portugal)
Visions du Réel (Switzerland)

Entrevues de Belfort – World premiere – International competition (France)

Films en cours – Entrevues Belfort (France)