Nora Bertone was born in Sisteron (France, middle of nowhere) in 1991. After studying visual arts, she did a professional master's degree in "creation and management of digital images".
She did her end-of-study internship at Films de Force Majeure in 2014 as a post-production assistant and works regularly with them afterwards. After they tried in vain to get rid of her, she permanently joined the Films de Force Majeure team in 2016 as a post-production coordinator.
She did her end-of-study internship at Films de Force Majeure in 2014 as a post-production assistant and works regularly with them afterwards. After they tried in vain to get rid of her, she permanently joined the Films de Force Majeure team in 2016 as a post-production coordinator.
For the love of documentary film and international co-productions she then left the safety of her windowless office to become a production manager and continued her adventure in 2021 by becoming a producer. She takes advantage of her time outside to participate in workshops such as A Post Lab (formerly EP2C) and Eurodoc.
She is a partner in the company since 2019!