LITTLE PALESTINE, DIARY OF A SIEGE at the IDFA, London, Vancouver, Yamagata…

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Abdallah Al-Khatib’s film continues its career in international festivals and is included in the Best of Fest section of the IDFA 2021. It has also just received a Special Mention from the Jury at the Guanajuto Festival (Mexico).

It will be presented in competition at Filmfest Hamburg, Vancouver IFF, BFI London Film Festival, Yamagata IDFF, and Innsbruck IFF.

… and in France: awards and previews!

LITTLE PALESTINE, DIARY OF A SIEGE has just been awarded twice at the Festival 2 Valenciennes (Grand Prix for Documentary and Student Prize – photo) and received the Press Jury Prize at War on Screen.

Next steps : Cinemed (Montpellier), St Paul 3 Châteaux, Dijon Nuits d’Orient…
Not to mention the previews organized by the ACID!

PARIS – Louxor – Sunday October 10th at 11am (in presence of the editor Qutaiba Barhamji)
MALAKOFF – Cinéma Marcel Pagnol – Monday October 11 at 8:30 pm (in presence of the editor Qutaiba Barhamji)
MARSEILLE – La Baleine – Friday, October 22 at 9pm (with producer Jean-Laurent Csinidis)
LYON – Comoedia – Saturday November 20 at 11:15 am

Production: Bidayyat for Audiovisual Arts (Lebanon), Films de Force Majeure (France)
Distribution France : Dulac Distribution
International sales : Lightdox